Channel: Widening gap between rich and poor – Utopia
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Populist uprising in the U.S. shocks the world and propels Donald Trump into the presidency

November 2016POLITICSPresident Barack Obama said his legacy was on the ballot. His legacy lost on Tuesday night. Donald Trump’s election was a stinging rebuke for the president who pushed through transformational reforms on healthcare, Wall Street and the environment. And, especially for Democrats, it was all the more confounding given that his approval rating has rarely been higher — “paradoxical,” as former Obama strategist David Axelrod described it early Wednesday morning.
The polls and the media all got this wrong, just like they got BREXIT wrong. ABC News commentator, Matt Dowd, called the Trump win “the biggest miss in history.” Former ABC News Anchor Charlie Gibson said he was gob smacked.” He went on to say, “we’re in uncharted territory,” with Trump’s historic nomination as president.
Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton, both she and Obama gambled that tethering her agenda to his rebounding personal popularity would help seal the progress he spent eight years battling for. “My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot,” Obama told a gathering of black leaders in September, in a formulation he would deliver repeatedly throughout the fall as he stumped for Clinton. He ticked off his accomplishments: expanded health coverage, economic recovery and troops largely removed from harms’ way in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And with his approval rating hovering in the mid-fifties — his highest in four or 7 years, depending on the poll — Obama seemed like a powerful surrogate. But it didn’t seem to be enough to drive even his supporters to the polls, with Clinton losing at least four states that Obama won twice. In fact, Democrats faced similarly disastrous results the last time Obama said his agenda, if not his name, was on the ballot. “Make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them,” Obama said in October 2014, just before the midterms. Democratic strategists cringed, and with good reason: Obama’s approval rating was in one of its deepest trenches. A month later, his party lost its majority in the Senate. Obama’s policies never achieved his level of popularity. His signature health law never cracked 50 percent approval in any Kaiser tracking poll — in October, Americans were evenly split, with 45 percent approving and disapproving of Obamacare.  –ABC News

The moment that turned it all around in America – Nigel Farrage’s historic U.S. speech in Mississippi for Trump united the disenfranchised and politically dissatisfied in America. It energized Trump supporters with “Brexit fever.”
Shock and dismay: What happened? The 2016 U.S. presidential election was a statement about “populist outrage.” The liberal globalist policies that have only favored big banks and further enriched the 1% have left the majority of the world’s population economically reeling on the sidelines of prosperity. On Election Day, the American electorate across the country unified in a single voice at the ballot box and expressed their outrage at the ‘status quo.’ The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Mitt Romney, Colin Powell and every other Republican who crossed Republican Party lines in disdain of Trump to vote for the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, now have egg on their faces. They have proven, once again, they are on the wrong side of history. Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win the U.S. election – or so, everyone thought. The reason the polls, political pundits, and liberal news media outlets in America all got it wrong is because Trump got it right. He tapped into the populist political sentiment simmering across America. Both BREXIT and Trump’s win represents a social and political revolution that continues to sweep the globe. It’s a call for a reordering of society – that the people’s voice be heard. It is an antipathy against globalism, political cronyism, military hegemony, and elitism. And we say, ‘Long live the revolution!’


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